Accommodation & Tours, Japanesque

Self-catering Ryokan 'Tojiya'

Osawa Onsen, Iwate JPY1,972~

Osawa Onsen consists of 3 characteristic spa facilities which are Sansuikaku, Kikusui-kan, and this 'Tojiya' (self-catering section). These facilities are connected each other with tasteful wooden corridors and a bridge called 'Magaribashi' crossing a pure mountain stream.

Built over 200 years ago, 'Tojiya' includes a kitchen where guests can cook their own meals and allows visitors to enjoy Japan's folksy healing bath culture at a very attractive price, JPY1,972 per night (minimum). Complete with a cafeteria and shop and offering plans that include meals as well, the venue caters to any style of hot spring healing excursion.

Nostalgic exterior and interior architecture including guest rooms still retain a taste of the old toji-ba feel. The large, mixed-gender communal "Osawa no Yu" bath faces the clear Toyosawa river and offers incredible views of the beauty of the four seasons. Guests can also join bathing tours featuring a variety of other bathing experiences.

What is 'tohji'?
The word 'toji' consists of two kanji characters 'tou' and 'ji'. 'Toh' means hot water and 'ji' means cure, and literally indicates 'hot water cure'. Toji, the practice of bathing in mineral-rich hot springs as a form of balneotherapy, is a custom that has been passed down in Japan since ancient times. Particularly from Edo period to early Showa, since the facility usage charge at toji-ba was set to very low in general, it gained popularity among common folks, and many people visited it to heal their tired mind & body by absorbing the healing benefits of mineral-rich hot springs into body. Toji is said to aid in recuperation and the treatment and prevention of a variety of ailments. Nowadays, due to medical advancement, number of people who use it for the pupose of balneotheapy has decreased, in the meantime, it begins to gather attention from many travelers who love nostalgic atmosphere of good old Japan.

History of Osawa Onsen
1200 years ago, Osawa Onsen was found when Sakanoue Tamuramaro was ordered the eastern expedidion. Since then, It has been favored by many people including noted authors such as Kenji Miyazawa, Kohtaro Takamura, etc. Surrounded by the rich nature of Iwate prefecture, Kikusui Kan creates a nostalgic atmosphere as if you stray into the Japanese folk tale world.

Room Charge: (per person, tax included, hot spring tax not included)

A group of 2~3 persons: JPY1,972 ~ 2,435

A group of 1 person: JPY2,175 ~ 3,546

*Prices vary by season

Rental fee:

Duvet (comforter): JPY200, Mattress: JPY200, Fitted sheet; JPY70, Pillow: JPY10. Blanket: JPY200

Kotatsu: JPY300, Heater: JPY602, Fan:JPY300


Tooth brush: JPY130, Bath towel: JPY100, Yukata: JPY200,
Tanzen (thickly padded kimono): JPY250

Provides a variety of Japnese style of dishes cooked with fresh ingredients collected from the rich nature of Iawate prefecture.

Hot Springs:
Geusts can enjoy 7 different types of bath at three inns of Osawa Onsen.
Indoor, Nanbu no yu
Indoor, Yakushi no yu
Open air, Kawabe no yu
Open air, Osawa no yu
Open air, Toyosawa no yu

Sight Seeing Spot:
Located about 45 minutes away from Osawa Onsen, there is the world heritage Hiraizumi famous for the Chuson-ji Temple Konjiki-do (golden hall) .


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Access and Sightseeing Spots

From Tokyo: 
Take Tohoku Shinkansen to Shin Hanamaki (2 hours & 41 minutes). Take a taxi to  Osawa Onsen (35 miutes.) Or take Tohoku Honsen (not direct, takes over 9 hours)  to Hanamaki. Take a bus to Osawa Onsen ( 30 minutes)

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